
The Great Depression and the Dust Bowl of the 1930's



1. Students will go to the website http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/films/dustbowl/ and watch the video entitled, "Surviving the Dust Bowl."  As students watch the film they will be filling out a worksheet that includes questions from the video.

2.  Then students will go to http://www.history.com/shows/america-the-story-of-us/videos/the-great-depression#the-great-depression and watch the short clip about the Depression.  Before watching the video, they will take some notes on what they think the Great Depression is.  After watching this short clip they will jot down some notes on the back side of the worksheet.  The students will then be able to compare their thoughts before and after the video.

3.  After watching both videos students will start to research the Great Depression and the Dust Bowl on their own.   On this day students will need to turn in at least 3 good websites they found that will help them to create their PowerPoint presentation on either the Great Depression or the Dust Bowl.  Students should be analyzing the differences between the 1930's and today and be able to explain them to the class on the day of their presentation.  This will conclude the lesson for today.


1.  Students will continue to research their chosen topic and will begin working on their PowerPoint presentations.  The PowerPoint will need to be 10-15 slides and should include pictures.  Most of the slides will be informational because students will be teaching the class through their PowerPoint.  Students will include a slide that compares and contrasts the 1930's to today.  Also, on one of the very last slides students will explain what they think it would have been like to live during this time period and how they would feel.  Students will be given 4 to 5 more class periods in order to perfect their PowerPoint.  Then they will present it to their peers.

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