



Once your group as decided which community to do, you need to who will have the following jobs:

The Mayor: Just like the mayor of a small town in a suburban community, you will be the group leader. You will help your group keep track of time, and make sure everyone in the group is participating.
The Reporter: In a big city, or an urban community,  a reporter is a writer for a newspaper. You will be the write for your poster. You will be in charge of labeling, and writing everyone's name on the poster.
The Seed Sower: In a rural community farmers have to spread seeds in order for their crops to grow. As the seed sower, you are the idea person. Your job is to brainstorm ideas for what kinds of things should be on your poster.
The Architect: In all three kinds of communities there are architects. They are the ones who design and build the buildings in their community. You need to work with your group to decide what should go on the poster and then it's your job to draw it.

Note: Everybody in a community works together to get things done. As a group I want you to do the same. Let everyone help in the decision making, and work together to create a great poster!


  • File
    Description: Use the links found in this Word Document to explore each kind of community.

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