
The California Gold Rush (1848-1855)



In order to write your newspaper article urging or dissuading others to come to California for Gold, you have to embark on your journey.



1. Before you begin your journey, you must first read what Gold Fever is. Do this by visiting:

-http://cwis.isu.edu/~trinmich/fever.html (all about Gold Fever)

http://pbskids.org/wayback/goldrush/journey.html (overview)

-http://www.museumca.org/goldrush/fever02.html (the lure of gold)

http://www.isu.edu/~trinmich/goldcountry.html (how came to California and why?)


In your journal, write your first entry dated SEPTEMBER 1st, 1848. In this entry you will tell why you have Gold Fever and what you expect to find in California. This entry should be brief.*



You first must CHOOSE what mode of transportation you will take.

However, before you can do this you must look at where you are going.

1. Read either:

"On your mark, get set, gold" http://www.calgoldrush.com/


"The Journey" http://www.isu.edu/~trinmich/journey.html

to find our more about land and water routes.

2. Two chose to travel either by Conestoga wagon (Land) or steam ship (Sea)

3. If you have chosen SEA read more about it by visiting"

-"Journey by Sea" website: http://www.calgoldrush.com/ (overview of the sea journey) CLICK ON Part1, then CLICK on THE JOURNEY BY SEA

-http://www.pt5dome.com/ships.htm (the various steam ships used in transporting people and gold)

http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/trailofthe49ers/sea.htm (routes taken by sea to California)

-http://www.mms.gov/omm/pacific/kids/goldwrecks.htm (all about shipwrecks)

-http://www.museumca.org/goldrush/fever10.html (quick information about the journey by sea)

*pay close attention to how long the voyage it took, the route what it would have cost, the advantages and disadvantage, and supplies

4. If you have chosen LAND read more your voyage by visiting:

-"Journey by Land" website:http://www.calgoldrush.com// (overview of the journey by land) CLICK on Part 1 then click on THE JOURNEY BY LAND

- http://www.angelfire.com/ca/bearflag/wagons.html (Wagon Trains & typical supplies)

-http://www.museumca.org/goldrush/fever09.html (quick information about the journey by land)

-http://www.isu.edu/~trinmich/buffalo.html (fun with buffalo dung)

http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/trailofthe49ers/chores.htm (children's chores along the way)


A. draw and label a map of your journey. Blank world maps can be downloaded and printed in the ATTACHMENT section at the bottom of this page, or you can choose to draw your own map. Remember to label where you are staring and where you are going and what trail / route you are taking.

B. Write a journal entry detailing your voyage west. You have two options:

OPTION 1: Write an entry as if you are starting your journey. Where are you staring from? What supplies did you bring? How much time do you expect the voyage to take? How do you feel about your method of transportation?

OPTION 2: Write an entry while on your way to California. What are the conditions like on your trail or steam ship? What supplies did you take with you and how much do you have now? How long have you spent traveling? Has the journey been a pleasant one, or have unexpected factors like disease and attacks made your life interesting?



Congratulations! You made it to California! Please NOTE that it is now 1850. I hope that you had a nice trip, although chances are that you didn't. Now you must select a piece of land and start to mine.

1. to select you land, go to:http://comspark.com/goldminer-mall/chronicles/mines.shtml. Read about each of the mining counties (Mariposa, Tuolumne County, Calaveras County, Amador County, El Dorado County, Placer County, Nevada County, and Sierra County) and the mining camps located in the county that appeals to you.

2. Write in your *JOURNAL* the county AND mining camp that you have selected. NOTE: Some mining regions will not be possible if they are founded after 1850! Please say if your county is located in California's southern, central or northern mines. Tell why you selected the mining camp that you did.

3. Now that you have a mining camp, you must learn about mining if you want to get rich.

Read the following documents:

-http://www.isu.edu/~trinmich/despair.html (some miners did not have much luck)

-http://www.calgoldrush.com/ (a miner's diet) Click on Part 2, then Click on FOOD

Early Mining Methods


-http://www.goldrushtrail.net/indexgrt.asp?p=230 (mining methods)

-http://www.museumca.org/goldrush/fever13.html (Prospecting)

-http://www.museumca.org/goldrush/path.html (Indians and Immigrants)

-http://www.isu.edu/~trinmich/goldcountry.html (women and entrepreneurship)

-http://www.learncalifornia.org/doc.asp?id=464 (the Census from El Dorado Country: shows occupations)

-interactive POWERPOINT on Victorian Roles and Mining society (see attachment)


(play Cariboo Gold Rush Game, optional) Click on GAME



NOTE: Since not all miners struck it rich many, as you have read turned to other occupations. You may choose to follow another occupation if you wish.

A. Draw in your journal a picture of your life in California. Be sure to include the following:

I. you and your occupation (if you choose to be a miner, include some of the tools that you would have used)

II.. where you live

III.. people in your habitat

B. Now describe what you do for a living, where you live, what your house is like, what you eat, some of the people that you see on a day to day basis, and if you are making a lot of money.



You are almost done young adventurer!

1. One last *JOURNAL ASSIGNMENT*: Write a short poem about how your journey ends. Do you strike it rich and head back home to your family? Do you decide to stay in California? Are you so poor that you have to stay in California? Or do you die of disease or some other tragedy? This can be done in the form of a eulogy.

2. Create a cover for you journal and submit your work!



Give what you know about the California Gold Rush through your personal experiences, write a newspaper article to submit to your hometown persuading people to come or advising them to stay at home. Be sure to fully explain your opinion. Give examples from your own experiences.

-These will be graded: You will be graded on your SPELLING, GRAMMAR, ORGANIZATION, and how well you SUPPORT your stance using your own pretend personal examples, which are based in the information from the websites.

NOTE: if ended up dying, pretend that you wrote this article when you were alive.






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