
The California Gold Rush (1848-1855)




"Go West young man." - Horace Greeley


The year is 1849. You are a young farmer living in New Hampshire. You sell apples, christmas trees, and sweet corn. Business is bad. You and your family are barely surviving on your MISERABLE income. Your wife is pregnant...again. Great, another mouth to feed. You have heard the news that gold has just been discovered in the territory of California. Two of your neighbors have gone to California, and one of them has written that he has struck it rich! You get to thinking...could this happen for you too?

You talk this situation over with your wife, and she agrees that you should go to California, get some gold, and come back. Her brother will take over the running of the farm until your return. It shouldn't take long right?


In this web-quest you will embark on a journey as a forty-niner. It will be your job to make informed decisions along your path to hopefully striking it rich. In order to make a successful claim and flourish in society you will have to uncover the information about the land, mining process, and mining society.What are you waiting for? Do you want to get rich or what? Let's Go....yehaw!



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