
Parts of Speech!



1. You will obtain a partner.  This should be a partner that you have not had the pleasure of working with before.


2. Introduce yourselves, and grab a worksheet from the front table. 


3.  Go to the website http://www.uottawa.ca/academic/arts/writcent/hypergrammar/partsp.html
On the left hand side of the page, you will take turns clicking on each part of speech.  There are 8 parts so you will each go 4 times.


4.  On your worksheet, write down the technical definition of each part.


5.  Also on your worksheet, write down one example from the web and ONE EXAMPLE OF YOUR OWN!
*Note: I have seen all the examples on this site so I will know if the example you create will not be original.  If you are found copying where you're not supposed to be, you will fail this assignment.


6. Go to my teacher website.  http://myweb.bloomu.edu/eaganthe/gantherinspiration.html
Here, you will see a quick-reference diagram of the parts of speech.  See the examples and explain to your partner how the pictures work. 
Example:  How does the picture of a man boxing accurately represent a verb.


7.  On your worksheet, draw a picture of your own to go with each part of speech. 
*Note:  You and your partner must have the same picture, but I WILL KNOW if you have used pictures from my diagram or somewhere else on the web.

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