
Parts of Speech!




# Beginning 1 Developing 2 Very Good 3 Exemplary 4 Score
Definitions of Parts of Speech Students have only completed 4 out of the 8 definitions to the parts of speech. Students have only completely 6 out of the 8 definitions to the parts of speech. Students have written 8 or less definitions, but they are not from the web. Students have accurately written all 8 definitions from the web. %25
Examples of Sentences containing parts of speech Students have only completed 4 out of the 8 examples of the parts of speech. Students have only completed 6 out of the 8 examples of the parts of speech Students have written 8 or less examples, but they are not from their own imagination. Students have accurately written all 8 examples from their own creativity and did not copy from others of the web. %25
Pictures of the Parts of Speech Students have only drawn 4 picture examples of the parts of speech. Students have only drawn 6 picture examples of the parts of speech. Students have drawn 8 or less picture examples, but they are not original. They have copied from others or from the web. Students have accurately created and drawn 8 picture examples of the parts of speech. %25
Overall Performance Students have not used their imagination for this activity at all. Their worksheet is illegible and sloppy. Students used some creativity. Their websheet is somewhat legible, but not organized well. Students work is impressive with some spelling and grammar errors. Students performance is flawless. There are no mistakes on the worksheet, and everything s very creatively done and neat. %25

Total Score: %100

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