
Green School 101



Step 1:
Enlist the aid of another activist to help you put together your ad campaign (i.e. your pamphlet)


Step 2:
Brainstorm together, having in mind the main problems planet Earth is facing and the things each of us can do in order to help save it.
Write your conclusions in a sheet of paper. (see the attached chart below for guidance, but in the spirit of Going Green...use your own notebook paper)


Step 3:
Read all of the instructions for the remaining steps before proceeding to Step 4.


Step 4:
Check the some of the following websites in order to check your conclusions and gather the information to answer tho guiding questions for the task to include in your pamphlet, but feel free to search the internet for more resources.  HOWEVER, BE MINDFUL OF YOUR TIME AND DON'T GET SO BOGGED DOWN IN INTERNET SEARCHING THAT YOU RUN OUT OF TIME.

The Go Green Initiative (really search around this one…it’s good!):

20 Ways to Go Green at School and in Life:


5 Things You Can Do To Help Make Your School Green:

Greening Your School:

How to Go Green – Back to School:

Greenpeace Living Guide tips for green living:

84 Ways You Can Help the Planet:

50 Ways to Help the Planet:

We've got to Save Our Planet Earth!:

David Suzuki:  Solving Global Warming:
Top 50 Things to Do To Stop Global Warming:


What is my Carbon Footprint?


What does "Go Green" Mean?:



Step 5:
While researching, select the 10 most important daily steps one can take here at school to help save our planet and organize them in some fashion.




Step 6:
Create a slogan for your campaign. It should be catchy, creative, and capture the theme of the ad campaign.


 Step 7:

Choose the best 5 to 7 step from your list of 10 that we can do here at school to go green to be included in your brochure.



Step 8:

Option #1 (preferred method) - Build a pamphlet in Microsoft Word, which will have to follow this structure indicated by the * below.


Option #2 - Build a pamphlet using the cut and paste method using construction and copy paper, markers, sharpies, and glue.

* Slogan.
* Brief introduction about the main environmental problems and our responsibility to fix them.
* Information about what it means to go green.
* At least 5 suggestions, with brief explanations, for going green that can be easily adopted by the school community to help save the planet.
* Places to go for more information about going green and the Going Green Initiative.


You may download the attached template if you like or go to www.microsoft.com and download a template there.  Click on "Microsoft Office - Templates", then search "Brochure".

Don’t forget to illustrate your pamphlet!

Be persuasive! Remember your goal is to change not only attitudes, but also behaviors.


  • File
    Description: Going Green Note Taking Template

  • File
    Description: Brochure Sample (simplified)

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