
Green School 101




# 4 - Distinguished (25 Points) 3 - Proficient (20 Points) 2 - Apprentice (15 Points) 1 - Novice (10 Points) Score
Computer Lab and Use of Prep Time Computer lab and Library time used EFFECTIVELY to complete the project. Student was on task at ALL times and did not need reminders to do so. Computer lab and Library time was used to complete the project MOST of the time. Student was on task MOST of the time and did not need many reminders to do so. Computer and Library time was used to complete the project SOME of the time. Student was on task SOME of the time, but needed many reminders to do so. Computer lab and library time was NOT USED EFFECTIVELY to complete the project. Student was off task MOST of the time AND needed MANY reminders to do his or her work. %25
Required Elements Present in final product. AND Accuracy and organization of the written information. All required elements included. All facts are accurate and relevant to the purpose and audience. They are presented in a VERY CLEAR and ORGANIZED way to the reader. Good synthesis capacity. (pulling it together into this original package) All required elements included. Most facts are accurate and relevant to the purpose and audience. They are presented in a CLEAR and ORGANIZED way to the reader. Some synthesis capacity. (pulling it together into this original package) Most required elements included. Some of the facts are accurate and relevant to the purpose and audience. They are presented in a LITTLE DISORGANIZED way to the reader. Little synthesis capacity. (pulling it together into this original package) Few required elements included. Few of the facts are accurate and relevant to the purpose and audience. They are presented in a CONFUSING way to the reader. Minimal synthesis capacity. (pulling it together into this original package) %25
Pamphlet Design, Creativity, & Use of Text Features Final product shows GREAT creativity. A VERY imaginative and catchy slogan and presentation of information. Well laid out and easy to follow information. Images very appropriate, engaging, and meaningful. EXCELLENT text formatting. TEXT FEATURES used well to enhance message. Evident that GREAT care and attention were given to design. Final product shows creativity. An imaginative and catchy slogan and presentation of information. Well laid out and rather easy to follow information. Images appropriate, engaging, and meaningful. Good text formatting. TEXT FEATURES used to enhance message. Evident that care and attention were given to design. Final product shows SOME creativity. A SOMEWHAT imaginative and/or catchy slogan and presentation of information. Lay out is ok and fairly information. Images somewhat appropriate, engaging, and meaningful. Satisfactory text formatting. TEXT FEATURES used but don't really enhance message. Evident that some care and attention were given to design. Final product shows LITTLE or NO creativity. An unimaginative slogan and presentation of information. Lay out is difficult to follow. Images random, and not engaging and/or meaningful. Poor text formatting. TEXT FEATURES not used. Evident that little care and attention were given to design. %25
Persuasiveness & Impact A VERY persuasive slogan. Very enticing information. Great, easy to follow ideas and suggestions. Audience will definitely be convinced. A persuasive slogan. Enticing information. Easy to follow ideas and suggestions. Audience should be convinced. A somewhat persuasive slogan. Little enticing information. Fair ideas and suggestions. Audience may consider issue. A not persuasive slogan. No enticing information. Ideas and suggestions present. Audience won't be convinced. %25

Total Score: %100

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