
The Dred Scott v. Sandford Case


Follow this path, young Supreme Court Justice, to justice and liberty for all.


(Remember, you are about to see many historical viewpoints which can differ depending on the historian.  Also, in some ways, these histories can be upsetting to us, but we must remember that our nation is not founded on perfection, but in triumphing over great adversaries... and the greatest of adversaries is often our own ignorance.)


Step 1: Understand the 1800's.  Visit this link:



Step 2:  Now that you've seen the times, understand Mr. Dred Scott's position.



Step 3:  Now try to understand Sandford's position.



Step 4:  Here is how the case began and how it went without you.


Step 5:  This is a summary of the case for your review.


Step 6:  Well...?  What do you think?  What went wrong?  What went right?  What is your decision?  Why?  Based on what?  How will the nation respond to your decision?  Describe it.



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