
The Dred Scott v. Sandford Case



# Beginning 1 Developing 2 Very Good 3 Exemplary 4 Score
Given response decision support The student does not clearly state his/her decision in the case. The student states his/her decision in the case, but does not support the decision with much detail. The student states his/her decision in the case, and clearly states at least three plausable reasons for the decision. The student states his/her decision in the case, and clearly states at least 4 great reasons for the decision. %25
comp-rehension The student does not use supportive evidence or detail to show an understanding of the topic. Very little supportive evidence (one or two examples) is all that is given in the entire writing. The student addresses many issues relevant to the era and clearly describes them, showing adequate comprehension. The student addresses all relevant issues and explains them well. Comprehension of the material is apparent. %25
National response Student mentions national response, but does not describe or support reasoning. Student mentions national response and gives one reason. Student fully and with detail describes the national response, but fails to fully explain why he/she believes this would be the reaction. The national reaction is described in detail and supported with concrete examples given in the material. %25
Readability The final work is full of spelling errors (more than 5), grammatical errors and incorrect sentence structure. The final work has 2 or 3 spelling errors and the format is not cohesive. (sentence structure and order of ideas is inconsistent) There are less than 2 grammatical or spelling errors. The paper is readable, and clear. There are no grammatical or spelling errors. The paper flows well, with ideas in an understandable order. %25

Total Score: %100

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