
The Lemonade War



You are about to create the most amazing business plan for an awesome lemonade stand, but before you begin your business plan you will need to collect important information and ideas. The assignments you are about to complete will help you on your journey to creating a successful business plan. Now crack open your book The Lemonade War and prepare to have some fun!

Before you begin reading...

Print and complete this fun word search! It will help you get familiar with some of the vocabulary you will find in the book.

Answer these questions in your journal in full sentences.

  1. What kinds of businesses could kids run? Brainstorm a list of at least 5 ideas under the title: The Businesses I Could Run
  2. Have you ever been in a competition before? Tell me about the competition.

Chapter 1: Slump

Click here to review your vocabulary words for Chapter 2. Go through the flashcards and play the games to get all the practice you need! Have fun! Print a copy of the vocabulary words and definitions when you are done to keep in your journal.

Answer these questions in your journal:
  1. What do you think the letter is about?
  2. What do you think the relationship is between Evan and Jessie? What in the story makes you think this?
  3. Make a list of tips that someone can use to calm down when they are angry. Title this question: Anger Management Tips
Chapter 2: Breakup

Click here to review your vocabulary words for Chapter 1. Go through the flashcards and play the games to get all the practice you need! Have fun! Print a copy of the vocabulary words and definitions when you are done to keep in your journal.

Answer these questions in your journal
  1. Brainstorm a list of tools and things you will need to start your own lemonade stand. 
  2. Compare your list of tools to the items that Jessie and Evan used in their lemonade stands.
Chapter 3: Joint Venture

Your vocabulary words are here. Go through the flashcards and play the games to become familiar with the words. Have fun while you learn! You can print a copy of the vocabulary words and definitions for your journal.

Answer these questions in your journal:
  1. Have you ever worked on a project with someone else?
  2. Do you work better alone or with someone else?
  3. Why did Evan and Scott have a lull in sales at their lemonade stand?

Chapter 4: Partnership

Here are your vocabulary words. Go through the flashcards and play the games to become familiar with the words. Have fun with them! You can print out a copy of the vocabulary words and definitions for your journal.

Answer these questions in your journal:

  1. Why did Jessie use pictures to explain how much money they would make?
  2. Are you a numbers person or pictures person? Do you work better with numbers or pictures?
  3. Draw a picture of how you would decorate your lemonade stand to attract customers.

Chapter 5: Competition

Your vocabulary words are here. Go through the flashcards and play the games to become familiar with the words. Have fun while you learn! You can print a copy of the vocabulary words and definitions for your journal.

Answer these questions in your journal:
  1. Draw a picture of what you would spend your lemonade earnings on.
  2. How did Jessie plan to spend her lemonade funds?
  3. Why do people compete with one another?
  4. Have you ever made a bet with someone? What was the bet?

Chapter 6: Underselling

Here are your vocabulary words. Go through the flashcards and play the games to become familiar with the words. Have fun with them! You can print out a copy of the vocabulary words and definitions for your journal.

Answer these questions in your journal:
  1. What did Jessie do to add value to her lemonade stand?
  2. Brainstorm a list of at least 5 ways you could add value to your lemonade stand.
  3. Evan used the idea of goodwill. What does it mean and how did it earn him so much money?
  4. How would you use goodwill at your lemonade stand?

Chapter 7: Location, Location, Location

Click here to review your vocabulary words for Chapter 7. Go through the flashcards and play the games to get all the practice you need! Have fun! Print a copy of the vocabulary words and definitions when you are done to keep in your journal.

Answer these questions in your journal:
  1. Where did Evan go to sell lemonade and why?
  2. If you could open your own lemonade stand, where would it be located? Why?
  3. If you opened your own lemonade stand, who would your competitors be?

Chapter 8: Global

Your vocabulary words are here. Go through the flashcards and play the games to become familiar with the words. Have fun while you learn! You can print a copy of the vocabulary words and definitions for your journal.

Answer these questions in your journal:
  1. How did Jessie and Megan convince others to sell their lemonade?
  2. How would you convince your friends to help you sell lemonade?

Chapter 9: Negotiation

Answer these questions in your journal:
  1. Write about a time you had to negotiate a deal with someone.
  2. Why do you think Evan wanted to end the lemonade war?

Chapter 10: Malicious Mischief

Answer these questions in your journal:
  1. Why was Jessie mad at Evan?
  2. How did Jessie cause malicious mischief?
  3. Draw a picture of the person you confide in. Why do you confide in this person?

Chapter 11, 12 and 13

Your vocabulary words are here. Go through the flashcards and play the games to become familiar with the words. Have fun while you learn! You can print a copy of the vocabulary words and definitions for your journal.

Answer these questions in your journal:
  1. What is revenge?
  2. What did Evan have to do with his bug filled juice?
  3. Draw a picture of a good hiding place for money.
  4. Draw a picture of a time that you were looking forward to something, but were distracted by a problem or concern.

Chapter 14: Reconciliation

Click here to review your vocabulary words for Chapter 14. Go through the flashcards and play the games to get all the practice you need! Have fun! Print a copy of the vocabulary words and definitions when you are done to keep in your journal.

Answer these questions in your journal:
  1. What did you learn from Jessie and Evan's experience?
  2. How do you resolve problems you are having with a friend?

Now that you have answered the questions and played the vocabulary games you are ready to begin creating your Lemonade Stand Marketing Plan!

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