
Mercury, Mars or Venus?



In this part of your mission, you will be landing on each planets, investigating them, and recording your data. Have fun and enjoy your exciting adventure into the solar system!

Step 1:

Using the following website, record all needed information about the Mercury on your Planet Information Sheet.


Remember to record three fun facts about Mercury. 

Next, write whether or not your group thinks that people can live on Mercury.

Use your the information collected to make your decision.

Step 2:

Using the following website, record all needed information about the Mars on your Planet Information Sheet.


Remember to record three fun facts about Mars.

Next, write whether or not your group thinks that people can live on Mars.

Use your the information collected to make your decision.

Step 3:

Using the following website, record all needed information about the Venus on your Planet Information Sheet.


Remember to record three fun facts about Venus.

Next, write whether or not your group thinks that people can live on Venus.

Use your the information collected to make your decision.

Step 4:

Using the following website, record how each planet got its name  on your Information Sheet.


You have complete this mission! Congratulations...

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