
Bunny Addition





1.    In a whole group, read and discuss the big book Count on Bunnies. Let different children be the bunnies and act out the story. Write addition equations for what is happening in each part of the story. Example - two bunnies plus one bunny equals three bunnies. Model the first equation in the story. Then let the children help write and solve the equations as the story progresses.

2.    Next, introduce the song “Five Young Rabbits.” After singing the song several times, let the children take turns being rabbits and pantomiming the actions to the song. At the end of each verse discuss how many rabbits have joined the set. Write the new equation on the chalkboard at the end of each verse for the children to see. Discuss how the equation changes as the rabbits are added.

3.    In preparation for the game, introduce edible marshmallow bunnies and game die. “Today we are going to make our own equations using our marshmallow bunnies and a die. We will work with a partner to write our equations.”

4.    Model the procedure.

o    Show the number cards (1 and 2) to the class. If you have the number 1 you will roll the die first. If you have the number 2 you will roll second.

o    The first child rolls the die, and counts out that many marshmallow bunnies. Each child writes the number on his/her equation sheet. Then the second child rolls the die and counts out that many bunnies.

o    Each child writes that number on his/her equation sheet. The plus sign and equal sign are already on the sheet for the children. Then they combine their marshmallow bunnies to see how many they have in all. Last, they record their answer.

o    After putting the bunnies back in their basket or zip lock bag they follow the same procedure to write their next equation. Each pair of students needs to do five equations. If a group finishes early they can turn their paper over on the back and add more equations.

5.    At the end of the lesson each child can have half of the edible bunnies to eat for a treat.










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