
Plagiarism Tutorial


Complete the Plagiarism Tutorial from the University of Southern Mississippi to better acquaint you with how plagiarism might look and some tips to prevent you from using other people's words and thoughts incorrectly. 

1. Pre-Test Your Knowledge of Plagiarism
2. What is Plagiarism?
3. Citing Quotations
4. Acceptable Use or Plagiarism? Quiz #1
5. Paraphrasing and Summarizing
6. Acceptable Use or Plagiarism? Quiz #2
7. Post-Test Your Knowledge
8. Final Suggestions and Useful Links

Task 2: Plagiarism Tutorial

Work through each section. When you get to the post-test, enter your email and mail the results to yourself.  Then print a copy and give it to your teacher.  Discuss anything you missed and review the tutorial to clarify your learning.

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