
The Role of the Media in Polical Revolutions

Internet Safety and Responsibilities


Internet Safety and Responsibilities:

NETS-S Standards
5. Digital Citizenship
  Students understand human, cultural, and societal issues related to technology and practice legal and ethical behavior. Students:
  a. advocate and practice safe, legal, and responsible use of information and technology.

Remember working on the web is a privilege.  There are several things you need to be aware of.  First check out your school’s Acceptable Use Policy.  Even though you may not be in school when you are working, these same ethical behaviors apply. 

Please check out the website:

before  you start your project. 

Some of the major areas covered are :
• Safety of personal information
• Responsibilities and etiquette for internet use
• Cyber bullying
• Safety when searching for information
• Copyright infringement

If you are at home, you may not have the convenience of having some of our web-filters.

Be aware that many websites are not legitimate; use only academic databases. Linked below are two websites you can use for research purposes.
 GALILEO   http://www.galileo.usg.edu/welcome/?Welcome

EBSCO         http://www.ebscohost.com/

You will also need to use the internet to create your digital presentation. You may use the links below or a different one as long as it meets the requirements.
Prezi             http://prezi.com/

Pixton          http://www.pixton.com/

Also another great way for your group to work together and even present ideas is to form an account at
PB Works    http://pbworks.com/
It is free and you all may work collaboratively on the same document or project.

So get out there and enjoy – just do it safely!

If you have any concerns or issues do not hesitate getting an adult involved!

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