
Tuesdays with Morrie: A WebQuest for 12th Grade Communication Arts



The last class of my old professor's life took place once a week in his house, by a window in the study where he could watch a small hibiscus plant shed its pink leaves. The class met on Tuesdays.  It began after breakfast.  The subject was The Meaning of Life. It was taught from experience.

Tuesdays with Morrie teaches life experiences from the view point of someone who is facing death.  How would you feel if you were in Morrie Schwartz's shoes?  How would you feel if you were in Mitch's shoes?

In this activity, you will be writing as if you were the two main characters, Morrie Schwartz and Mitch Albom.  You will use the following guidlines to find and compile quality resources to be used by others.

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