
Tuesdays with Morrie: A WebQuest for 12th Grade Communication Arts




# Beginning 1 Developing 2 Very Good 3 Exemplary 4 Score
Content of Message/ Diary Entries Content minimal and/or frequently inappropriate; ideas repetitive and /or irrelevant;not complete or of sufficient length. Content somewhat adequate and mostly appropriate; ideas expressed with very little elaboration or detail; partially complete. Content adequate and appropriate; ideas developed with some elaboration and detail; adequate length. Content rich; ideas developed with elaboration and detail; complete with accurate length. %25
Comprehensibility of Message/ Diary Entries Message barely comprehensible; requiring frequent interpretation; multiple grammar and spelling errors. Message mostly comprehensible; requiring interpretation; several grammar and spelling errors. Message comprehensible; requiring minimal interpretation; few grammar and spelling errors. Message readily comprehensible; requiring no interpretation; grammar enhances communication. %25
Quality of Interaction of Diary Partners Minimal engagement in the interaction; entries incomplete. Some engagement in the interaction; some completion of entries. Consistent engagement in the interaction; most entries complete. Consistent engagement in the interaction; all entries complete. %25
Quality of Engagement in Class Discussion Minimal engagement in the discussion; little ability to sustain the conversation. Some engagement in the interaction; some ability to sustain the conversation. Consistent engagement in the interaction; ability to sustatain the conversation. Consistent engagement in the interaction; ability to sustain and advance the conversation. %25

Total Score: %100

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