
Persuasive Writing and Language Skills



"The Art of Persuasion" is a familiar phrase, but what does it really mean? Words are powerful tools that can be used to influence and persuade individuals or groups of people to think and believe in certain ways. By carefully crafting a compelling, logical and appealing argument, you can strive to persuade others to think as you do, act as you do, or believe what you do.

In this WebQuest, you will undertake to establish a position on a topic of your choice and defend your viewpoint in a logical and progressive fashion. This involves both research and compilation of accurate information to defend your position in addition to employing the persuasive appeals of:

Ethos: the appeal to ethics or authority. People have standards regarding what is fair and just. By sharing your personal convictions or tapping into those of someone else, you can build a convincing argument and persuade them to adopt your position. (e.g.; "You would have to agree with PETA that puppy mills are inherently cruel and inhumane...")

Logos: the appeal to logic. Most all individuals would like to believe that they are logical and intelligent; therefore, supporting your argument with facts and data is probably the single most effective strategy to persuade your audience. (e.g.; "Over 2.7 million animals were destroyed by puppy mill owners simply because there were not enough customers to purchase them.")

Pathos: the appeal to emotion. Used wisely, emotional appeals can tip the balance in your favor and provide the added boost needed to win the heart of your audience; just be careful to not overdo it! (e.g.; "Does slaughtering millions of innocent animals seem acceptable to you?")

You will need to incorporate emotive language into your presentation to persuade your audience to see things your way. Are you having just a 'big' sale, or is it perhaps a COLOSSAL sale? Is your item 'real', or is it truly AUTHENTIC or GENUINE? Are you simply the 'best' candidate, or are you TRUSTWORTHY and DEDICATED? Your words are your tools to successfully persuade and convince your audience; be well armed with the most PHENOMENAL and COMPELLING vocabulary! There are numerous online resources available to find synonyms for your project. Below I have provided a link to help you get started.

The following websites will guide your research on how to go about formulating your arguments and supporting them with persuasive pizzazz! When researching your topic, be sure to gather information from reputable sources. Do NOT use Wikipedia or Answers.com as reliable sources.

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