
Weight and Mass



Hello Students!

You are about to begin your very first 4th grade WebQuest! I am so excited to be a part of this with you :) First, let me explain what a WebQuest is. Then, I will explain what the WebQuest is about and what you will be asked to do.

1. A WebWHAT? A WebQuest is basically just a lesson that you complete yourself by doing research online. I know you all LOVE your netbooks, so my bet is that you will enjoy researching this information yourself and completing the assignments on your own. Since this is new, I have given you very detailed instructions on how and where to begin. As always, I will be available for help if you are confused. However, I will not be doing your thinking for you. You have a brain... USE IT :)

2. Now.. get your brain ready and start thinking like a mathematician/scientist! This WebQuest covers the subjects of mass and weight. You will be asked to go through a series of steps and complete a series of projects for me. This WebQuest will be your math assignment for the next two days (Thursday, 3/29 & Friday, 3/30). So, this is NOT a race. You have two entire math periods to complete all of the assignments I have given you. This is individual work, which means you will complete it on your own. I would like these assignments to be completed in the order I have assigned them. For example, the very first numbered point under the tab "Process" tells you to listen to a rap (The tabs are on the left of the screen). SO, I want you to do this first. The last assignment is for you to create your very own rap about mass and weight. We will have time to share these in class ;)

--> Now, get ready to begin! You will click on the "Task" tab next to see an overview of the assignments. After you have read through these and you have an outline of what to do, you may begin by clicking on the "Process" tab. Here, you will find your very first "1." to follow. Good luck! :)



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