
History: Fact or Fiction?




# Beginning 1 Developing 2 Very Good 3 Exemplary 4 Score
Historical Research Paper Does not meet length requirements (less than one page). Does not cite sources. Gives limited historical information. Has multiple gramatical errors. Meets the length requirement. Does not cite sources properly or at all. Has some gramatical errors. Gives limited historical information. Meets the length requirement. Cites all sources properly. Has few gramatical errors. Gives accurate and complete historical information. Meets the length requirement. Cites all sources properly. Has no gramatical errors. Gives accurate and complete historical information. Demonstrates an impressive grasp of the subject. %25
Historical Accuracies and Inaccuacies Does not provide both accuracies and inaccuracies. Does not provide examples from the entire movie. Leaves out important information. Provides inaccuracies and accuracies, but does not reflect the entire movie. Leaves out one or two important events. Provides inaccuracies and accuracies. The examples reflect all major events throughout the entire movie. Provides inaccuracies and accuracies. The examples reflect all major events throughout the entire movie. Points out subtle events that most would miss upon first viewing. %10
Movie Plot Summary Does not meet length requirements (less than one page). Does not cite sources. Gives limited plot information. Has multiple gramatical errors. Meets the length requirement. Does not cite sources properly or at all. Has some gramatical errors. Gives limited plot information. Meets the length requirement. Cites all sources properly. Has few gramatical errors. Gives accurate and complete plot information. Meets the length requirement. Cites all sources properly. Has no gramatical errors. Gives accurate and complete historical information. Demonstrates an impressive grasp of the subject. %25
Historical Analysis Does not meet the length requirement (2-3 pages). Does not address the essential questions listed in the task page. Has multiple gramatical errors. Meets the length requirement. Does not address the essential questions accurately. Has some gramatical errors. Meets the length requirement. Addresses the essential questions accurately. Has few gramatical errors. Meets the length requirement. Addresses the essential questions with a deep understanding. Has no gramatical errors. %40

Total Score: %100

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