
Cultural Differences:How The World Got To Be So Confusing



This rubric show how each aspect of your work will be scored. Although you worked as a group you individual participation and notes are your own responsibility. I have chosen to give participation an equal value because it and cooperation are vital for your success. Also the first section with idioms is pass/no pass grade.


# Not Yet Getting There You Got It Above and Beyond Score
Cooperation Does not participate in group discussions; doesn’t listen to others. Sometimes participates in group discussions. Participates frequently and politely in group discussions. Participates in group discussions; helps connect ideas and include everyone. 4
Notes Does not complete any written work, or it is irrelevant to the task. Completes some written work, but some is missing, sloppy, or confusing. Completes written work neatly; includes all important information and ideas. Completes all written work neatly; connects ideas to own life; applies information creatively. 4
Compare and Contrast Paper Does not write a paper. Does not include information from the notes. Does not include give a conclusion. The main ideas are mostly there, but the details are confusing. Includes some information from the notes. Connects the nations slightly. The main ideas are there, and the details are supportive and make sense. Includes all information from the notes. Convinces reader of either similar or not. The paper is complete, and the details are supportive and well-organized. Information from the notes is included and is applied creatively. 4
Brochure Does not write brochure or no relevant information is included. Reader is confused. Information is there and kind of helpful. Has only a few facts. Brochure leads reader to feel unsure. Lots of information and details that are helpful. Written well and creates a safe feeling with the reader. Very detailed and descriptive information that is easy to read. Reader feels at home. 4

Total Score:

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