
Descriptive Writing-Describing People




# Poor Satisfactory Good Excellent Score
Language Use Errors in use of the accepted conventions. Difficulty in understanding what is being communicated. Relatively few errors of accurate language, but errors in acceptable writing convention. Difficulty in understanding what is being communicated. conventions are correctly used for almost all parts, but consistent errors in other areas. Meaning is understood but more clarity could be conveyed with precise diction Correct use of writing conventions: punctuation, spelling, capital letters, proper use of concords. Clear and precise meaning and proper diction. Maximum 8 marks
Content Ideas and concepts are unclear and thus cannot judge relevance Repetition of Ideas and use of descriptive techniques are non-existent. One cannot visualize the scene as the writing lacks adequate information. Few descriptive techniques are evident and somewhat relate to the task. There are instances when one may be able to visualize the scene, however, insufficient information and descriptive techniques are provided. Ideas and concepts are clear. Use of descriptive techniques are sufficient, however,diction is somewhat insufficient. Ideas and concepts are clear. Use of descriptive techniques and diction are sufficient. Maximum 12 marks
Organization No evidence that the format of Descriptive writing is understood. Lack of paragraphing, no attempt to show linkages/ transitions and coherence from one idea to the next. that the format of Descriptive writing is understood. Lack of paragraphing, no attempt to show linkages/ transitions and coherence from one idea to the next. Writing adheres to format of Descriptive Writing in some ways. Attempts at paragraphing and coherence of ideas. Writing adheres to format of Descriptive Writing, but may have inappropriate sequencing of ideas, transition of ideas to the next and from one paragraph to the next inconsistent. Formats of Descriptive Writing are correctly and effectively used. writing is coherent, with appropriate sequencing of ideas. Consistent transition from one idea and one paragraph to the next is clear. Maximum 10 marks

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