
Hamlet, Prince of Denmark




# 0-2 pts - Beginning 3-5 pts - Developing 6-8 pts - Very Good 9-10 pts - Excellent Score
Student does not understand the interpretation of characters. Answers not well thought out. Student gives a brief overview of the characters and the plot. Answers to the questions are brief and non-descriptive. Student gives further analysis of characters regarding the time period, relations to other characters, and citing references from the story to support the answer. Student interprets the story correctly. Student is able to relate the characters to real life situations and with characters from other Shakespearean plays. Historical references are included in the answers. 25%
Answers are unclear. Poor sentence structure, incorrect grammar, improper use of punctuation. Misinterpretation of reading. Answers are clear, but still lacking in content. Student is not grasping the full meaning of the characters and plot of the story. Answers are repetitive and not getting to the point. Answers are crisp and clear. The reader is cognisent of the material and cites references from the story to support the answers. Good sentence structure, grammar, and use of punctuation. Answers are well thought out and the writing is outstanding. Clean and to the point. Excellent sentence structure and use of grammar and punctuation. 25%
There is little to no evidence to support the student's understanding of the story. There is evidence to support the student's basic understanding of the story. There is adequate evidence to support the student's knowledge of the story. There are details and references to support this understanding of characters and plot. There is outstanding evidence to support the student's knowledge and interpretation of the story's characters and the plot. It shows an understanding of the author and the historical references from the story. The student is able to identify with the characters from their own real life situations. 25%
Student is able to make basic interpretations. Student is able to make interpretations and relate them to the current day. Student is able to relate the events in the story to events of today as well as personally identifying with the characters and plot of the story. Student is able to evaluate and analyze the situations of the characters and the story's plot. Student can reorganize the story's plot and make a present day interpretation of the characters and plot. 25%

Total Score: 100%



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