
Residents of The White House



# Exemplary 4 Very Good 3 Developing 2 Lacking 1 Score
Purpose Achieves purpose to inform, persuade or provide interpretation very well Inform, persuades provide interpretation reasonably well Reader cannot easily tell if the purpose is to inform, persuade, or interpret Lacks purpose %25
Organization Develops ideas in a very clear and logical way Presents ideas in a reasonably well-organized way Reader has difficulty following organization Lacks organization %25
Elaboration Explains all ideas with facts and details Explains most ideas with facts and details Include some supporting facts and details Lacks supporting details %25
Use of Language Uses excellent vocabulary and sentence structure with no errors in spelling, grammar, or punctuation Use good vocabulary and sentence structure with very few errors in spelling, grammar Includes some errors in grammar, punctuation and spelling Includes many errors in grammar, punctuation and spelling %25

Total Score: %100

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