
Energy WebQuest - 1




# King of the Mountain (18-20 points) Rolling Hills (16-17 points) Bump in the Road (14-15 points) Flat as a Pancake (12-13 points) Score
Physical Science Content All questions were thoroughly answered. All math was 100% accurate. The blueprint or mini-model had at least 10 energy transformations and at least 6 different types of energy. All questions were completely answered, but about 80% accurate. All math was was between 80-99% accurate. The blueprint or mini-model had at least 9 energy transformations and at least 5 different types of energy. All questions were answered, but about 60% accurate. All math was between 60-79% accurate. The blueprint or mini-model had at least 8 energy transformations and at least 4 different types of energy. All questions were attempted, but not totally accurate. All math was less than 60% accurate. The blueprint or mini-model had at least 7 energy transformations and at least 3 different types of energy. %40
Blueprint or Mini-model The blueprint is accurately drawn to a realistic scale. Mini-model is fully functional with no flaws/problems. The blueprint is drawn to a realistic scale with some inaccuracies. Mini-model is functional with minor problems. The blueprint is drawn to a realistic scale with many inaccuracies. Mini-model is functional with major problems. The blueprint is not drawn to a realistic scale. Mini-model is not functional. %40
Presentation All posed questions were accurately addressed in the presentation. Excellent eye contact, voice fluctuation, facial expressions and a relaxed posture. Shows blueprint or operates mini-model. Most posed questions were accurately addressed in the presentation. Good eye contact, voice fluctuation, facial expressions and a relaxed posture. Shows blueprint or operates mini-model. Some posed questions were addressed in the presentation. Eye contact, voice fluctuation, facial expressions are limited with a stiff posture. Shows blueprint or operates mini-model. Few posed questions were addressed in the presentation. Poor eye contact, voice fluctuation, facial expressions and posture. Shows blueprint or operates mini-model. %20

Total Score: %100

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