
Colorado History



Students will be graded with a rubric for their webquest and will also have many other grades along the way including participation for assignments and other grades as well. They will be graded on their paper about Colorado history, their art project and music assignment. All of these grades will be part of the overall grade of the WebQuest along with other aspects such as organization and format.

Throughout the course of the completing the WebQuest and all the activities along with it students will be graded by both informal and formal assessments to ensure their understanding and growth over time. Their WebQuest will be graded by a rubric.

Multimedia Project : WebQuest Colorado History

Teacher Name: Mrs. Mulder

Student Name:     ________________________________________








Source information collected for all graphics, facts and quotes. All documented in desired format.

Source information collected for all graphics, facts and quotes. Most documented in desired format.

Source information collected for graphics, facts and quotes, but not documented in desired format.

Very little or no source information was collected.

Rough Draft

Rough draft brought on due date. Student shares with peer and extensively edits based on peer feedback.

Rough draft brought on due date. Student shares with peer and peer makes edits.

Provides feedback and/or edits for peer, but own rough draft was not ready for editing.

Rough draft not ready for editing and did not participate in reviewing draft of peer.


All requirements are met and exceeded.

All requirements are met.

One requirement was not completely met.

More than one requirement was not completely met.


No misspellings or grammatical errors.

Three or fewer misspellings and/or mechanical errors.

Four misspellings and/or grammatical errors.

More than 4 errors in spelling or grammar.


Covers topic in-depth with details and examples. Subject knowledge is excellent.

Includes essential knowledge about the topic. Subject knowledge appears to be good.

Includes essential information about the topic but there are 1-2 factual errors.

Content is minimal OR there are several factual errors.


Content is well organized using headings or bulleted lists to group related material.

Uses headings or bulleted lists to organize, but the overall organization of topics appears flawed.

Content is logically organized for the most part.

There was no clear or logical organizational structure, just lots of facts.





# Score

Total Score:

The Public URL for this WebQuest:
WebQuest Hits: 7,791
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