
Colorado History



Please rate how well you liked or disliked this assignment, giving suggestions, comments, or concerns about how the journey went for you!

Congratulations you are finished! You are now an expert on Colorado history, go home and tell your friends and family all that you have learned.

Reteaching Activities:

If a student does not grasp the assignments with the WebQuest they can get additional help from me or from the librarian on how to navigate the page and understand what their tasks are. If this additional help does not work I will give them an alternative assignment to study Colorado History. 

Extension Activities:

Extension activities that I would have students do would be to look atadditional websites or books to find more information or read a book that has to do with Colorado History and a group of people that lived here. Students could also create a PowerPoint to share with the class or tell where their family comes from. They can ask their grandparents about their family tree and figure out where they came from and when.


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