
The Effect of Greenhouse Gases on the Environment




# Beginning 1 Developing 2 Very Good 3 Exemplary 4 Score
Answers to Key Background Questions (Each student must present the answers to their individually assigned questions) Writer does not answer the questions but provides details that may not be relevant and is directly quoted from the text Writer answers the questions providing relevant details directly quoted from the text. Writer answers the questions providing relevant details that give important information. Writer answers the questions providing relevant details that give important information anticipating the reader's questions. %25
Group Presentation (Quality of Video, Powerpoint or Poster and degree of interpretation of research results) Group did not suggest nor address key issues that relate to the essential question and failed to present props. Group suggests key issues that did not relate to the essential question with the use of inadequately developed props (video, powerpoint, or poster). Group suggests key issues evoked by the essential question with the use of quality and relevant props (video, powerpoint, or poster) . Group addresses specific issues evoked by the essential question with the use of guality and related props (video, powerpoint, or poster) %25
Individual Presentation (Each member must participate and explain their role in the research) Student does not seem at all prepared to present. Presentation is less than 3 minutes OR more than 6 minutes The student is somewhat prepared, but it is clear that rehearsal was lacking. Presentation is 3 minutes long. Student seems pretty prepared but might have needed a couple more rehearsals. Presentation is 4 minutes long Student is completely prepared and has obviously rehearsed. Presentation is 5-6 minutes long. %25
Written Newspaper Article (Each student must write a report) Writer's viewpoint is stated without appropriate application of the scientific concepts reported. Inaccurracy of word usage and sentence structure is not naturally flowing. Writer's viewpoint is stated but the documentation included did not support the scientific concepts reported. Writer places words naturally and accurately within the sentence structure. Writer's viewpoint is stated and is supported with relevant documentation that is appropriate for the application of scientific concepts. Words do not have a natural and accurate place within the sentence structure. Writer's veiwpoint is stated and supported with relevant documentation that is appropriate for the application of scientific concepts. Writer places words within the sentence structure providing a natural and accurate flow. %25

Total Score: %100

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