
Our Country's Dominance in Question



# Beginning 1 Developing 2 Very Good 3 Exemplary 4 Score
Metric and English units paper Paper contains either the English or metric units and the relationship between the units is unclear. Paper contains either the English or the metric units and the relationship between the units is clear. Paper contains both English and metric units with the proper conversions. Paper contains both English and metric units with the proper conversions between units. The metric units are organized in a stairstep pattern and the relationship between the units is clear. %25
Presentation (group score) Lasts 1 minute. Facts are given, but the group position is unclear. No explanation of the units for either system of measurement. Lasts 2-5 minutes. Group position is given, but the facts do not support that position. No explanation of the units for either system of measurement. Lasts 2-5 minutes. Clearly states the group position and the facts that support that decision. Explains units of measurement for one system. Lasts 2-5 minutes. Clearly states the group position and the facts that support that decision. Clearly explains the units of measurement for both systems. %50
Participation Did not hand in a paper. Did not contribute in any way toward the group presentation. Handed in a paper, but did not contribute in any way toward the group presentation. Handed in a paper. Contributed to giving the presentation. Handed in a paper. Contributed to making and giving the group presentation. %25

Total Score: %100

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