


the book "The diary of a young girl" is written by Anne Frank. It is in a style of a diary. Anne Frank wrote about everything that has happened to the family from 12th of June 1942. This whole diary started on her birthday when she was just having a normal day's life. She received many presents from her family and friends. However, over all the presents she received, her favorite one was this diary. This diary drove her first attention from all the presents that was laid on the table that morning. Anne had a lot of friend and had a nice family however, none of them people she could talk about how she feels deep inside.

Dear Students, 
      You were asked to document your daily activities and routine by writing a journal. By following the guidelines, I hope that you have sincerely written your honest thoughts on people, evenets, places and evrything around you.
      I want you to choose one entry from your journal that will be read aloud in front of the class.

:) Mr. Alegrid

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