


Now that we have made it through this assignment and can put it behind us we have think about what we can do with this information.

I know sometimes we get frustrated and feel like we just can't do it or don't feel like doing it.

But just when you think your life stinks...
Watch this video about a man, named Nick Vujici (pronounced "boy-tidge"),  who didn't let his limits slow him down.

After you watch this video follow the link to Nick's website. Learn a little bit about him and his story.  Think about your own limits and how you can over come them.

The only one who sets the limits to what you can do is you. We are going to take some time to journal our thoughts.  Think Back on your career choice and the video. Journal your thoughts about why you choose the career you did and if you think it was a good choice. Include your thoughts about Nick his video and web site, and how it effected you.

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