
Discovery 3: Colonizing the New World



Choose to answer 3 of the following questions in essay format.

What would you choose to do differently?

What unforeseen circumstances would you now prepare for?

Knowing what you know now, would you still make the journey or stay in England?

What benefits did the colonists enjoy that other British Citizens did not?

Why would so many people move to the New World?

What reason for travel to the New World do you think was safest (Political, Religious, Financial)?

What reason for travel to the New World do you think offered the highest amount of success?

How did you feel about paying back the King/Company/Supporters when the game was over? Why?

What was your colony's biggest problem? What was your colony's biggest success?

How might your views change if you had played this game from the perspective of the Native Americans?

Do you feel your colony treated the Native Americans fairly?

What might your colony have done differently in dealing with the Native Americans?

Answer the following 3 questions to the best of your ability.

How might game play be improved?

What things could the teacher do differently?

What are the top three things you learned about early colonists?

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