
The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle



How was your trip? You have travelled with Charlotte Doyle along the pages of a WebQuest, and if you are reading this message, it means you have made it "safely" back to shore! Could you keep track of what you have achieved? Did you finish preparing your individual contribution to the group task? Will you be ready to share the knowledge you have gathered with your classmates? Will you be an attentive and interactive listener to their presentations? 

After completing your tasks, you will have experienced responding to a novel in a personal creative way to prove that the situations presented even in previous centuries could be valid at all times. You will also have benefited from each other�s talents and collaborated to create a better performance. We have complete faith that you have done a remarkable job.

Most of all, we wish you have enjoyed your journey. Best wishes for a well-deserved rest in preparation for the "live" and final stage of your adventure.

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