
ADHD in the Classroom



Feel free to click on the links posted below in the resource section  for assistance when formulating your answers!

Case Study #1
Douglas is an 8-year old boy in the third grade. He has demonstrated behaviors in the home and classroom that are of concern to his parents and teachers. These behaviors include inattention, worrying thoughts, hyperactivity, and an excessive need for attention.

*Which of the previously listed symptoms are considered characteristic symptoms of ADHD?

Case Study #2
Natalie is a 6-year old girl in the first grade. She is exhibiting behaviors in the classroom and home setting that are consistent with a diagnosis of ADHD. Natalie's dad received a diagnosis of ADHD when he was a child. 

*Is Natalie's father's diagnosis of ADHD relevant or irrelevant to Natalie's potential diagnosis of the same disorder?

Case Study #3
John is a 9-year old boy in the fourth grade who has been diagnosed with ADHD - Combined Type. He is doing poorly academically, is often reported to the principal's office for behavioral issues seen in the classroom, and does not have many friends in school. 

*Due to John's ADHD diagnosis, what are some reasons he may have more difficulty with positive peer relationships than his typically developing peers?

Case Study #4
Sam is an 11-year old boy in the sixth grade who has recently been diagnosed with ADHD. Sam's teachers have described him as being inattentive and disruptive in class during both structured and unstructured activities. 

*What are two methods to use for the treatment of Sam's symptoms? (There can be several answers for this question, but try to think of two of the most commonly used approaches to manage ADHD symptoms.)

*After you have completed your answers to the case studies, follow the link to the conclusion to check your answers!

Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). (2011). Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Retrieved from http://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/adhd/index.html

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