
Les Pièces de la Maison



  1. First, you will review your vocabulary. There are videos to help you. Remember to repeat the words out loud for good practice. As you review the rooms of the house, can you remember any of the objects pictured in the rooms?

  1. It is time to quiz yourself! Follow the links to quiz yourself on the rooms of the house. If you have trouble completing the quizzes, then go back to the vocabulary pages and practice again. 

  1. Now, you know the rooms of the house in French pretty well. You are going to look at some advertisements for French homes for sale. What about these homes is like yours? What is different?

  1. It’s time to write your blog entry!
  2. Write a letter to one of your friends or create a newspaper article. Write about least two things that are alike and two things that are different between typical American and French homes. Then post your entry to your blogger account. Use complete sentences and proper punctuation and spelling.  Pictures may be included. English blog entries will be accepted, but you will get a better grade for a French entry.

  1. For extra practice, Complete the self-checking quiz at http://atschool.eduweb.co.uk/haberg/flatclozec.htm

(Right click to open in a new tab or window.)

  1. You’ve had the chance to look at several homes and floor plans throughout this unit. You will now create a floor plan of your home on MS Word. Remember, it must be labeled with French text. Then, you will give each room of your home its own page. You will write a sentence in French about it and illustrate it with clip art, photos or by using the drawing tools. Watch the tutorial videos for a demonstration of how to complete the tasks.

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