


Multiple Choice

1. Cyberbullying can be particularly hard to deal with because

A. cyber-bullies are meaner

B. cyberbullies can easily hide behind the anonymity that the Internet provides

C. cyber-bullies are bored

D. cyber bullies are scared of physically bullying you


2. What are some of the forms that cyber-bullying can take?

A. Text Messages

B. Facebook or Twitter messages

C. E-mails and Chatrooms

D. all of the above


3. How can a bystander help?

A. Make sure the kid who's being bullied tells an adult.

B. Stand up, don't stand by

C. Assist the victim in any way possible

D. Watch and laugh at the victim

4. What are some of the basic ground rules for safe use of the internet?

A. Never reveal personal information

B. Never send pictures of yourself

C. Never continue a conversation that makes you feel uncomfortable        

D. All of the above


5. What are cruel ways of cyber-bulling

A. blackmail and threats

B. Mean or cruel messages

C. Ghetto or offensive messages

D. blackmail, threats, or forcing the victim into harm

 Short Answer

1. How can a cyber-bully lie about their identity?


2. What are the damages and negative consequences of cyber-bullying? List four.


3.What would you do if you were being cyber-bullied? List three rules.


4.What are the do's and don'ts in order to avoid being a victim? 


5.What type of bullying is similar to cyber-bullying? List two.

True or False

1. Cyber-bullies can use your personal information and pictures and twist them into things that you never posted?  ______

2. Cyber-bullies can hack into your computer system?  ______ 

3. Cyber-bullies can be people you know?  ______

4. You can avoid cyber-bullies by moving to a different city?______

5. Poking someone on Facebook is considered cyber-bullying?______

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