
Slavery at the Center: Slave labor and markets in Washington, D.C.



Welcome: Slavery at the Center: Slave labor and markets in Washington, D.C.
Description: Picture: Wrought iron leg shackles, late eighteenth century. From the collections of the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation. www.history.org/.../volume7/feb09/primsource.cfm This U.S. History project explores the relationship between slavery and our nation's capitol from a variety of perspectives. Students create multi-media projects based on individual and small group work and the entire class collaborates on a unified final project. The class visits Washington, D.C. and makes a proposal to the National Registry of Historic places to create a historical marker on the mall that memorializes the slave markets at and the slaves that built the first federal buildings.
Grade Level: 9-12
Curriculum: Professional Skills
Keywords: slavery, African-American history, slave markets, slave labor, enslaved Africans, Washington D.C., founding fathers, historical markers, President Barack Obama, human trafficking, authentic learning, historical methodology
Author(s): David Eldridge

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