
Wages and Salaries

Teacher Page


The focus of this webquest  is to teach students how to calculate wages and salaries.  It is important to help students understand what goes into calculating an individual's pay.  In this lesson a number of creative strategies can be employed to help students understand what calculating wages and salaries is all about.  The following are some ways the lesson could be introduced:

1. Bring real materials used in accounting offices to the classroom, for example:
     (a) calculators
     (b) Payroll registers
     (c) Pay Advice
      (d) time sheet
      (e) Cheque leaves
      (d) Software available for calculating pay
These items could be displayed in the classroom ( for use later in the lesson)

2. Use brainstorming( Students could talk about the things they would want for pay)

3. Use music ( play a song have student talk about what they think the song is about)  For example in the webquest  I have created I used music related to work

In the Development of the lesson The following strategies can be used:

1. Use fake money to provide payment for work done during the lesson
2. Have an incentive box(small tokens) that students can use the money earned in the lesson to purchase items
3. Have student calculate their gross and net pay earned in the lesson as a culminating activity

After the lesson a quiz should follow shortly when the information is fresh in the students' minds.  I recommend that the quiz should be administered in the next lesson.





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