
Internet Usage and GPA

Teacher Page


The teaching plan:

Day 1

Project is introduced

Day 2

Students create survey questions

Day 3

Discussion on validity of survey questions

Day 4

Students edit their survey questions. 

Day 5

Students work on conducting the survey 

Day 6

Students use their books to review mean, median, mode, range, variance, standard deviation, linear regression to use on their data. They should understand how to obtain their graphs and statistical results by using formulas. At least one example of calculation should be shown.

Day 7

Students turn in their data analysis 

Students use their book/online resources to learn histograms, bar graphs, pie chart, box and whisker plots, line graphs, scatter plots, stem and leaf plot

Day 8

Students get feedback on their work on data analysis

Students work on presentation

Day 9

Work on presentation

Day 10

Students present

Day 11

Whole class discussion. Combine all groups' presentations to make a final conclusion

Day 12

Make a final conclusion and presentation



This project applies the following standards:


Students collect, organize, and represent data sets that have one or more variables and identify relationships among variables within a data set by hand and through the use of an electronic spreadsheet software program

Know various forms of display for data sets, including a stem-and-leaf plot or box-and-whisker plot; use the forms to display a single set of data or to compare two sets of data. 

Represent two numerical variables on a scatterplot and informally describe how the data points are distributed and any apparent relationship that exists between the two variables (e.g., between time spent on homework and grade level).

Understand the meaning of, and be able to compute, the minimum, the lower quartile, the median, the upper quartile, and the maximum of a data set

Students compute the variance and the standard deviation of a distribution of data. 

English-Language Arts

Students formulate adroit judgments about oral communication. They deliver focused and coherent presentations of their own that convey clear and distinct perspectives and solid reasoning. They use gestures, tone, and vocabulary tailored to the audience and purpose. 

Students deliver polished formal and extemporaneous presentations that combine the traditional rhetorical strategies of narration, exposition, persuasion, and description. Student speaking demonstrates a command of standard American English and the organizational and delivery strategies outlined in Listening and Speaking Standard 1.0. 


Students understand the principles of effective oral, written, and multimedia communication in a variety of formats and contexts.

English-Language Development Standard

Make oneself understood when speaking by using consistent standard English grammatical forms and sounds; however, some rules may not be followed (e.g., third person singular, male and female pronouns)

Participate in social conversations with peers and adults on familiar topics by asking and answering questions and solicit­ing information. 


A group of teachers worked together to make this webquest.

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