
Discovering Bats!

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Oregon State 2nd Grade Standards

2.1L.1 Compare and contrast characteristics and behaviors of plants and animals and the environments where they live. 
2.3S.2 Make predictions about living and non-living things and events in the environment based on observed patterns.
2.3S.3 Make, describe, and compare observations, and organize recorded data.
2.3S.2 Make predictions about living and non-living things and events in the environment based on
observed patterns.
EL.02.RE.10 Listen to, read, and understand a wide variety of grade-level informational and reference materials, online information, classic and contemporary literature, and poetry.
EL.02.RE.15 Understand, learn, and use new vocabulary that is introduced and taught directly through orally-read stories and 
informational text as well as student-read stories and informational text.
EL.02.RE.22 Read written directions, signs, captions, warning labels, and informational books.
EL.02.RE.26 Follow two-step written instructions.
EL.02.RE.27 Read informational texts for answers to specific questions or for specific purposes
.EL.02.RE.30 Connect the information in text to life experiences, text, and world.
EL.02.WR.25 With organizational help, begin writing brief informative reports.
EL.02.WR.06 Group related ideas to maintain a consistent focus.

Instructions for administering tasks 

Task 1. Students will be working in groups of 3-4 to complete this webquest and tasks.  

Task 2. Learn about the different types of bats so you can tell the people about the different kinds of bats.
Students will first read the information then click through the links to view pictures and learn about the two types of bats the megabat and microbat. Once students have gone through these links, photos and have read the information they will complete a venn-diagram (resource number one on the process page) comparing and contrasting the megabat and microbat. 
Task 3. Learn about where bats live, what they eat and how they survive, so you can tell the people 
about this animal. 

After clicking through the links and reading the information on bats and how they survive students will complete a graphic organizer on bats writing facts about their habitats, diet, and adaptations for survival. (Resource number two on the process page.)  

Task 4.  Learn about how bats help us and how we can save them, so that we can find out how to protect them and why they are an important animal to have in our state.

Students will click through the task list to learn about bats being endangered, their reasons for endangerment and how they can be saved.  They will pick a way that think would be helpful to save the bats to include in their book for task 4.  

Task 5.  Put your information that you have learned about bats together into a book, so that you can show the people of Oregon and help stop them from harming the endangered bats! 

Students in their group of four will take the information they have learned and gathered and follow the steps to write and illustrate a book.  

Page 1: Title page

Page 2:  Types of bats: Explains the two types of bats

Page 3: Tells where bats live and what they eat and their features for survival. 

Page 4: Tells how bats are becoming endangered.

Page 5: Explains how bats can be saved.  

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