
Community Helpers



Monday:  students are introduced to the weeks' theme; which is Community Helpers.

  • Create a chart of whom the students think community helpers are.
  • Give hints as to the jobs community helpers have to see if the students know the answer.
  • Listen to Shawn Brown's song Community Helpers, add new information to the chart.
  • Display books about veteranarians, zookeepers, teachers, firefighters, EMT workers, pilots, farmers, etc.

Tuesday: throughout the morning we will have three different community helpers visit the class- a nurse, a police officer, and a mail carrier. Students will hear about their jobs, responsibilities, and see their tools and uniforms for work. After all of the visitors leave, we will complete a picture graph (students will draw a picture under the community helpers' picture) for each worker.Note any similarities. Read Community Helper books checked out from the media center.

Wednesday: Students will be visited by three more community helpers today - the principal, a farmer, and the school librarian.  Students will once again hear about their jobs, responsibilities, and see their tools and uniforms for work. We will also complete another picture graph for the community helpers. Read community helpers books checked out from the media center. Students are to come to school tomorrow dressed as the community helper they want to be when they grow up.

Thursday: students will receive all of the community helpers that have visited and we have read about this week. They will then choose their favorite and draw a picture of himself or herself as that community helper, share with the class. Compile all of the drawings into a classbook.

Friday: community helpers from our community will come again today with their work vehicles for the students to see in a "Transportation Parade". Students will be able to get inside the vehicle (if the visitor allows them to), take pictures with the helper and their vehicle. After the parade is over, students will come back to the classroom to create a chart of the different vehicles they saw and to draw a picture of ther favorite one.

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