
Delexia Massey's E-Portfolio



As electricity is to a light bulb, education is to the brain. Without an education, the brain cannot do its intended job or work to its maximum potential. An education gives humans the opportunity to think logically, solve problems, and explore the world beyond limits.  As a future educator, my role will be to serve as the electricity, which represents knowledge. I will be the source of students’ education and achievement through effective teaching. I will use multiple teaching methods, implement positive reinforcement, evaluate student work for retention, and encourage student success. I will be sure to include the arts (drama, dance/movement, music, visual) in my lessons because all students can relate to one or more of them. This will also accommodate students’ diverse learning styles, which I hope will entice students to perform to the best of their ability during their educational journey.

I classify myself as progressive and my teaching style will be a reflection of my beliefs.  As humans, I believe we forget most of the things we see, hear, and read; however, we are able to remember most of the things we do. Therefore, learning is or should be a personal, physical experience. Aristotle once said, “For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them.” I believe experiential learning is a necessity for me. In order to obtain knowledge we must learn by doing.

For many people, knowledge can only be associated with math, science, language and other academics. However, I believe it is important for all social skills and life-long lessons, not just the ones we learn in classrooms. This means the teacher is creating more than scholars; she is also providing an education of social responsibility and morality.

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