
Budget: Living on your own



        You are single and have recently graduated from college with a 4 year degree (Bachelors Degree) in your chosen field.

      It's time for you to find a job, a place to live, a reliable car and create a realistic, manageable and balanced budget. Your budget must be realistic, workable and sustainable because if your budget is too strict or doesn't allow you to have some fun you will not follow it.

      Besides your budget your must write a minimum  4 full pages paper summarizing your independent life including your college(s) you attended and why you attended that college, the degree you obtained, the cost to obtain your Bachelor's Degree, and the career field you chose;  also the company where you work, job description and benefits offered to the employees; your apartment choice and all amenities and why you chose that apartment; your vehicle including purchase price, year, make, model and why you chose that vehicle payment plan. Your vehicle cannot be older than 2015. You must describe the phone/Internet/Cable plan you have chosen and finally and most important, you must also justify any adjustments you made to your expenses compared to the national averages.

         The last paragraph of  your paper should include your thoughts about living on your own and if you feel this assignment has helped you prepare for living on your own.

      The paper should have 1 inch margins, using Times New Roman Font 12 and be double-spaced. You must fulfill all requirements or you will receive a zero on the paper portion of this project. This is NOT a research paper this is a letter! The first words on the paper are: Hi Mrs. Solt,.


                                    Cutting class anytime during this assignment will result in a ZERO on this assignment!!! 

 All projects are due on  December 21th, 2019 NO Exceptions!!!!

Projects are due at the beginning of your class period and 25 points will be deducted for each illegal absence or tardy during the project : 12/11/23 to 11/21/23.

Projects can be handed in anytime prior to due date. Projects handed in by December 20th will receive 20 Bonus Bucks.

Create a folder called "YourLastName" Budget Project to save all of your required documentation.

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