
Knowing More about Credit Card Fraud



Below are a series of steps that will help you to gain in-depth knowledge of credit card fraud by following and accomplishing tasks and completing the quiz in this WebQuest:

Step 1: (if you have not done so)
Go to the Introduction tab and read the information that is provided there to gain a basic understanding of credit card fraud.

Step 2: (this is where you are now)
Go to the Process tab to know the steps of how to complete this WebQuest.

Step 3:
Go to the Hangman tab and complete the small exercise to become familiar with the terminology associated with credit card fraud.

Step 4:
Go to the Task tab and follow the provided links to answer the questions about credit card fraud to gain in-depth knowledge about credit card fraud.

Step 5:
Go to the Quiz tab and complete the quiz to reinforce the learning from this WebQuest.

Step 6:
Go to Evaluation tab to write a 1-2 pages paper for what you have learned from this WebQuest.

Step 7:
Go to the Conclusion tab to see the summary of this WebQuest project.

What to do next?
If you have not completed step 1, go back to complete the step before you proceed further. Else, you may now proceed to step 3 by clicking Hangman tab to have some fun there.

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