
4th grade Solar System and Stars WebQuest




There are four expert areas that will be used in order to gain a comprehensive understanding of the solar system and stars. After choosing job titles for each group member, begin your research using the links below.

Planet Researcher
http://sse.jpl.nasa.gov/planets/index.cfm - Read "Moons and Planets of the Solar System" to learn about similarities and differences of the planets.
Star Researcher
http://hubblesite.org/explore_astronomy/tonights_sky/may/2009/play - Watch the vodcast to see the stars that can be seen in tonight's sky.

3 D Model Researcher You are to use these links to familiarize yourself with 3D models and simulations. 
Technology Researcher
http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/video/index.cfm?id=830 - Watch the Hubble Telescope's Eye on the Universe Podcast to see a slide show of the most famous photos that the Hubble Telescope has taken over the years.
 After conducting your research, the next task is to complete an activity in your field of expertise. You will use many technology resources to complete your activities.
Planet Researcher

Create 2 charts using Microsoft Excel and Publisher to compare the physical attributes of stars in the night sky including the number, size, color and pattern.
Stars Researcher

Using Microsoft Word, explain why the pattern of stars in a constellation stays the same, but a planet can be seen in different locations at different times. Also, please print and complete the worksheet by using this site. 
3 D Model Researcher

Using Microsoft Word, list the most important components in creating the group's 3D model. Also, gather the materials from your classroom. Consider things such as styrofoam balls (be sure to use the appropriate size for each planet), paint, glitter, clay, string, pipe cleaners, a cardboard box, and any other craft materials you find in the craft station that may help you with this project.
Technology Researcher

Using Microsoft PowerPoint, create slides with information about how technology is used to observe objects in the night sky. Be sure to include photos of both technology and objects found in the night sky. Your PowerPoint should have at least 6 slides.
Final Task

Now everyone should use the information from the sites you visited to create a 3D model of the solar system. Be creative and make your model worthy of displaying in a museum.

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