
We are all so very different



Are we ready to begin our walk down people are different lane?

  1. First thing we are going to do is get into groups of two.  However, I want you to pick someone in the class that you would not normally work with.  Pick someone that you believe may have some differences than yourself.  For instance if someone is a different race, gender, wears glasses, may have a disability of some sort.
  2. Next, you will spend the 30 minutes getting to know your new friend.  Ask questions about each other, find out what your partner likes or likes to do.
  3. Once you've gotten to know each other a little bit I want you to write a short paragraph about your new friend.  Tell what makes that person who he/she is.  What kinds of things do they like.
  4. Then we are going to take a picture of each other and put it with the paragraph we wrote about our new friend.
  5. Finally, I have a speaker that is going to come in and talk to our class.  My friends name is Angie.  Angie is sixteen years old and she is in a wheelchair.  Angie is going to come and talk to you about her disability and show you that she is not so different than you and me.  Angie plays basketball, swims, talks on the phone like all girls, and even is learning to drive a car.


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