
Social Studies and the World Around Us


Day 1
Economic: Scarcity

1. Students will define vocabulary words using semantic mapping. (lower function students will be given the definitions).
2. Student use define the words using context clues. (low achieving student half of the words).
3. Students will use a thesaurus to find synonyms and antonyms for the vocabulary words they had just defined. (Lower functioning students will complete the assignment in a small group setting).
4. Students will be given be given an opportunity to make life experience choices and they have to explain why they are making those choices.
5. Students will have to create five choices for their students to choose from. (This will be completed in a small group setting and as homework for cuture purposes.

Day 2

1. Student will research and find the answers to the following questions:
a. What are the major responsibilities of state government?
b. What are the major responsibilities of local government?
c. Who represents you in the legislative and executive branches of your local, state, and national government?
d. What is the United States Constitution and why is it important?
e. What does the national government do and how does it protect individual rights and promote the common good.
2. Students with disability or ESL students will complete the assignment in small group and they will will complete 3 of the five questions.
a. Students will complete this assessment using visual representation of the questions through pictures and graphic organizers(thinking map)-______ is connected ot _____ as _____ is connected to ______.

Day 3

1. Students will work in a group to create a map world map locating the areas in which the majority of the events took place that affected our society.
2. Students use the internet to research their area and the major events that affected their georgraphical area and the people that contributed to these events.

Day 4.
World History

1. Students will select books on people living during this time frame.  They will identify vocabulary that are specific to that particular person and timeframe. 
2. Students will locate information and complete a flow map concerning the sequence of events that has occurred and has affected the world in which we live.
3. Student will write a summary on their reading and present their finding to the class.
4. Students will also identify why the people of that time moved westward.

Day 5
American History

1.  Students will complete a double bubble map comparing and contrasting agriculture and industries of that time frame and how they impacted the lives of people during those times.
2. Student will also create Venn Diagram comparing and contrasing agriculture and industries of today's society.
3. Students will work in small group compiling this information for a future class presentation.








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