
Skeletal Muscle Contraction-Spinach Connection



Task 1:  Review of muscle contraction concepts.

Watch the following animations in order and complete review sheet linked below under RESOURCES.
Neuromuscular junction

Action Potentials and Muscle Contractions

Breakdown of ATP and Cross-Bridge Movement during Muscle Contraction

Muscular System, Sliding Filament Theory 1

Muscular System, Sliding Filament Theory 2

Task 2:  Summary animation with self-quizzes.

Watch the following animation and complete self-quizzes along the way.  The third quiz should be done with teacher assistance. 

Muscle Contraction - A summary

Task 3:  Project/Evaluation

In this webquest project, you will choose one of the following projects to complete. 
Option 1: 
(1 to 3 members in a group) Construct a working model to demonstrate the sliding filament theory and be able to identify the parts and demonstrate your model to the class without notes or cue cards. 

Option 2:
(3-5 members in a group)  As a group, act out a play demonstrating what happens at the neuromuscular junction. Include up to the creation of an action potential that initiates muscle contraction. You may use props and costumes but no notes or cue cards.  

Option 3: 
(1-3 members in a group)  Select a muscle related disease not already focused on in the unit and prepare a two-minute informational ad that others could watch to  gain an understanding about what the disease is, how it manifests itself, progression, and make sure to use and explain relevant information. 

Option 4:  (2-3 members in a group)  Using a chicken leg describe the gross structure of a muscle, its connection to bones and joints, and how motion is created.  Include a discussion on muscle groups, antagonists, etc.

Option 5:  (6-8 members in a group)  Prepare a muscle day review fair for your classmates.  Create 4-6 games that would help your classmates prepare for a test on skeletal muscles.  An example would be a speed match with velcro on a microscopic diagram model, antagonist muscle group basketball, or any game you can create. 

Option 6:  (1 person) Create a crossword puzzle using Discovery School website that reviews 25 key terms from this unit. 

Option 7:  (1-3 members in a group)  Write a graphic novel (comic book) with the target audience being students in grades 5-8.  Explain how the muscles are put together and how they work.  Make sure to include illustrations with your story.  

Task 4:  Extensions
Choose one of the following as an extension of your learning of muscle contractions. 

Option 1:  Physical Therapist

You are a physical therapist at a local sports and fitness center.  One of the common injuries you will be treating muscle strains often experienced by high school athletes.  What is the difference between a muscle strain and a sprain?  How would the treatment differ between a muscle strain and sprain?  How are they similar?  What specialized equipment might be used?

Option 2:  Occupational Therapist

You are an occupational therapist working in a rehabilitation hospital.  You have been assigned two patients:  one is a 40 year-old stroke victim and the other is an 80 year-old stroke victim.  What kind of impairments do you observe?  What kind of improvement would you expect from each patient?  Would the treatments be the same for both patients?  Why? 

Option 3:  EMT

You are an on-duty EMT at the World Series Game and your favorite pitcher throws a wild pitch and then grabs his bicep in pain.  You are motioned onto the field by the team's medical staff to assist.  What questions would you ask the pitcher?  What type of injury do you suspect and what would cause that type of injury?   Can you find a mathematical equation or relate the cause mathematically? 

Option 4:  Personal trainer

You have been hired by the "Biggest Loser" television show to continue training with a contestant on the show once they have returned home.  The client's goal is to lose additional weight and achieve muscle tone without a drastic increase in muscle mass.  What types of exercises would you recommend and how many repetitions should be done with each?  Would you suggest specific weight limits?  Why? 

Option 5:  Medical Researcher

You have a child with Duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy and as a trained researcher, you want to investigate the newest research and experimental treatments to help keep your child's muscle tone as long as possible.  Find a pertinent website for preliminary information on the disease and find an organization in your area for support and information.  Next, find an article or relevant piece of research and create a summary in one page.

Option 6:  Nutritionist

Develop a diet for your elderly grandmother and 4 year-old nephew, both of whom you are concerned are not eating properly for proper muscle health.  Why should they eating these foods?  What repercussions would result if they don't follow the diet?    

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