
Emerging Computer Technology



Today, life cannot be imagined without technology. The world has evolved to a point where the use of computers has become a part of our daily lives; at work, shopping malls, schools, and at home. Gone are the days when only computer professionals would depend on computers and laptops.  Computers are not just machines anymore, but an essential part of our lifestyle.

The past few years have seen phenomenal growth in computer technology. The fast pace of inventions and innovations has taken the computer technology market by storm, (think Ipad).  The sheer availability of a wide range of gadgets has altered our lifestyles. We are increasingly becoming more technology literate.

The trend in computer technology is constantly evolving though and never stopping. There are a number of cool new laptops, new notebooks, and desktops that are creating waves. Some of the latest computer inventions that are rapidly becoming popular are going to the topics of your investigation.

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