
An experience through Monotheistic Religions



What was the first religion of man? There are alot of different answers. These depend on what man thinks is his own origin. The early chapters of the Bible showed that religion was not invented, did not evolve and was not discovered by man. From the day God created man, the latter knew the Creator-God who made him. Moreover, from the time of his fall, man worshiped God through sacrifice. The two characteristics of the original religion are Monotheism and the practice of animal sacrifice. These are shown and found in the Bible. Here we see that God was God and man could not approach Him in his own righteousness because of his sins.


On your journey, you are expected to find information about one of the world's three great Monotheistic religions: Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. You will be sent on a mission to be either a historian, an anthropologist or a believer. In this mission you will move back in time to learn about the history,  doctrines, beliefs and practices of your particlar religion. You will also widen your knowledge by exploring important events and get to know interesting facts such as the distribution of fidelities about one of the mentioned religions.

So...Are you ready?... Let's start and be quick! Because time is running out! ...




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